The changing of the seasons is a new beginning and the perfect time to check in with ourselves - to reassess our goals and intentions. Sometimes they get lost along the way as life gets busy. Just as we often look at the beginning of the year as an opportunity to make a "fresh start", the changing of the seasons provides us with the same boost in motivation and energy. So, why not take advantage of this calendar shift and the momentum it provides to reassess your goals and habits.
But, as the title of this newsletter suggests, can you really manifest your vision? Is it possible for this “magic” to work in helping us achieve our dreams? Yes! It’s possible! But, it’s not going to happen just by thinking about it alone (wouldn’t that be nice?!); manifestation only works when coupled with hard work. We must set intentions, we must believe that these intentions will become a reality and we must take active steps toward turning these intentions into our truth.
If you have big dreams and lofty goals, if you are imagining a life even greater than the one you have, then why not create a tangible inspiration for all of these ideas and dreams that are living in your head! An awesome and fun way to do this is by creating a vision board. This is a tool that can get you started and keep you on the path during your journey to seeing the life you want come to fruition.
Why Create a Vision Board
Brings clarity to your goals
Defines your values & intentions
The process is fun & creative
Serves as a reminder & provides motivation to keep your goals and dreams alive
You can either create your vision board by hand or you can create a digital one using Canva.
Here is a link to a great page that has detailed instructions/suggestions for creating your own board.
Creating a digital board is superfast. I created one the other day and it took me about 30 minutes. Most of the options on Canva are available for free; you can also upload your own photos. I also like to use Unsplash to gather free photos.
After creating your board, display it in a location where you will see it throughout your day - or at least someplace you will see it once or twice a day. If you create a digital one, I suggest creating it as a “wallpaper”. This allows you to download and save it as a background or screensaver on your computer.
In order to truly manifest the vision, goals, dreams and intentions you make for yourself it’s important to not just sit back and hope they come to fruition. You must lay the groundwork in order for manifesting to truly work its magic. Don’t be afraid to dream BIG. This is your life after all. You are worthy of everything you dream.
The Work
Visualize your dreams into reality (vision board)
Surround yourself with others who are positive and encouraging
Walk the walk - live as though you have already accomplished your dreams
Remind yourself you are worthy of your dream - why not YOU!
Feel your dream - journal about it, let your senses take you there - what would it look like, feel like, smell and sound like
Be prepared to leave some things behind - unleash yourself of burdens that are not serving you
Get out of your comfort zone/Rid yourself of limiting beliefs
Listen to the universe - it sends us messages all the time (don’t ignore the subtle signs)
I hope you all give this a try! If you have kids or a partner at home this would be a fun activity for the entire family! Maybe plan this around a “friends” night in. Sharing your dreams with others opens up the space for manifesting to work its wonders.